Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Isaac Newton
1. They are generally
introverts and take their own time to open
up. One must feel really honoured to be counted as a friend by a number 4,
for if they’ve chosen you as a friend it’s after a lot of thought and
consideration .They are introverts but once they’ve opened up, they’re the warmest
and most sincere humans on earth. So that’s even more a reason to cheer if
you’re close to a 4.
Meryl Streep
2. They have a keen eye for details and can spot the
slightest slip in the tongue or even behaviour. Don’t even bother to unnecessarily
mess with them or try pretending in front of them, it won’t work.
Barack Obama
3. These people are extremely organized and disciplined and
cannot stand chaos. Their tempers are legendary, although it cools down faster
than it flares up.
Julius Caeser
4. A relationship
with them will never be easy; because it’s always a result of past karmic bond
(read baggage, that too from multiple past births). It requires a lot of
patience and love but the rewards are totally worth it. They need a lot of
gentleness and tender care to be able to overcome their own self-critical
nature, it may be trying but remember- a No. 4 stays with you forever. As a mother the 4 will give her
everything, she literally lives her life through her children and this is one
of the most nurturing numbers there is (karmic bond is also a strong reason for
J.K Rowling
5.Their head is
forever brimming with ideas and makes it difficult for them to relax. They are
the visionaries, foreseeing things
before anybody else. They want to know about UFO’s, lives on other planets and generally
anything that’s out of the ordinary. It should come as no Surprise that the
falling apple inspired Newton who
was a 4.
Louis Vuitton
6.Rebellious by nature
and loners by choice, “live and let live “ is a rule they abide by and are
extremely accepting of others while guarding their own quirkiness .Their sense of style is phenomenal and trend
setting owing to this quality (There’s a reason why Louis Vuitton is still a must have !).
7. These people can’t remain still and if
come across as tranquil or unruffled on the surface rest assured- behind that
facade is a torrent of thoughts, ideas and emotions. On the flipside, in
certain cases overthinking may also
lead to despondency.
Jay Z
8. Life’s not easy
for this number; they witness a lot of
upheaval in their lives. Hostile situations, cynical people, they face it
all. No matter how arduous the path they eventually surmount the most trying
Margaret Thatcher
9. A 4 will find it
very difficult to express his/her feelings/ goals / dreams. They would rather
work on it and show the world than waste time yapping about it. If they
overcome self-cynicism and unleash their tenaciousness then they’ll reach the loftiest of heights. Their tenaciousness
helps them reach the pinnacle of success (Margaret Thatcher was called the iron lady for that very reason).
Angelina Jolie
10. It is the number
of fate hence people ruled by it tend to
be spiritual in their outlook. They believe and strive to work towards
making the Utopian dream of a world a reality.
Taylor Swift
What makes
number four’s tick;
Lucky day- Saturday, sunday
Lucky number- 2, 6
Lucky stone- sapphire, Turquoise
Lucky colour- Blue, turqouise
Health- May develop anaemia or other circulatory
Thank you !!