Le Meridien
Gurgaon celebrated women’s day a bit late but in more impactful and novel way.
A panelist that comprised of 5 women from different walks of life seemed an
interesting event to attend. As each one of them narrated their personal
journeys to self discovery and empowerment I could see the audience relating to
several aspects of their journey. The difficulty faced by women in general ,
about overcoming, facing hostile circumstances both on personal fronts,
societal front , professional as well as the gender disparity that is a natural
attribute of physical constitution.
From a Miss India
who married into a traditional family and was behind the purdah for 15 years, a
mom of two who discovered her love of writing after the kids grew up , a singer
who refuses to sell her soul by giving into Bolly Trash and instead has carved
her own niche in a unique genre, the panel had it all. It was interesting how
women in the room wished men to be part of the feminist movement and how everyone
felt it starts at home. Every son needs to be educated to respect women from an
early age to value the contribution of a woman ,I agree that is the need of the
hour. My own take which had a lot of assent was that women need to stand up for
each other instead of pulling their own sisters down, ripping them apart and adding more hurdles to an already difficult
journey to the top.
Le meridian Gurgaon
as usual played the perfect host, with its impeccable food and beverage ,
service and personal attention to everyone present. Kudos Anadita Singh for
coordinating this wonderful event successfully.
straight from the heart thougts. Lovely write-up :)