Effect of Saturn Transit 2022 on Zodiac signs

 With Saturn transiting to Aquarius from tomorrow, expect several changes to occur till July 12th 2022. This is a general indication but to know the actual effect on an individual one needs to see the chart in totality .

The effect of this transit on various rising sign/Ascendant is as follows:

Aries- Saturn will be in the 11th house of gains and social network which is a natural and auspicious position for the planet . Promotion in career is on the horizon along with financial gain. It’s the time to go out , meet people and expand your network. Health of children may cause a bit of stress though.

Taurus - With Saturn in the10th house , one can expect better opportunities at work and maybe even a raise . Father may disagree with your point of view and his health will require extra attention. Minor disputes with spouse too which can be avoided by developing patience .

Gemini- Expect a good stroke of luck and a renewed faith in the almighty. Professionally you will prosper but that may also give a sense of false bravado and it’ll be good to stay mum on most occasions . With growth in your career, also watch for your own health and the rising number of critics.

Cancer -Health problems will mar you for the next 3 months . Refrain from starting new ventures or investing in them . Instead focus on meditation or volunteering activities to tide through this difficult period.

Leo - This will be a period of self contemplation and realigning your goals . On the work front things will progress very slowly. If self employed with a partner then  minor disputes may occur. Your spouse/partner also will cause discord. Unexplained expenses will lead to more stress.

Virgo - A challenging period awaits you healthwise as well as increased expenditure on medical tests .Simplest of tasks will be riddled with obstacles leading to loss of sleep.

Libra - Lucrative period in terms of earning and rise in social status.Some relationships that were a cause of strife will now turn into loving ones .

Scorpio- Increased workload will leave you with less time for family and self. The house may undergo renovation and a new car may materialize. Watch out for tiffs with mother and her health.

Sagittarius -Think before you speak and control the urge to take new risks . it's sensible to lie low. A great period for introspection and spiritual discovery. New avenues may open at work.

Capricorn - Great period for financial gains which will also be spent unwisely  If you've been eyeing real estate or an investment fund then this is the time to go for it. Watch out for your health.

Aquarius - A period of emotional turmoil but if you are patient enough then good times are around the corner .Expect a lot of support form loved ones and also a romantic getaway .On professional front, the workload will increase.

Pisces -

You may feel isolated and stifled . The next 3 months may bring in overseas clients or opportunities. Keep an eye on increased expenditure on legal and medical aspects . it's a good time to meditate and volunteer to combat stress and despondency .


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